The Asogli Education Fund was initiated and set u...

2024 Teza (Yam Festival) Launched

Asogli State is located in the Volta Region, Ghana, West Africa. Ho, the capital of Volta Region, is also the capital of Asogli State, which was an antonymous kingdom before the advent of colonialism. The Asogli people are the dominant group in the Ho Municipality. Asogli State comprises four traditional set-ups, Akoefe, Ho, Kpenoe and Takla. These four traditional set-ups were founded by the direct descendants of Togbe Kakla. Ho serves as the seat of the paramountcy. The Asogli State Council, the traditional ruling council, comprises the Agbogbomefia, Togbe Aƒede XIV, who is the President, Paramount Chief of Akoefe, Kpenoe and Takla and the five Divisional Chiefs of Ho.

Togbe Afede XIV

Agbogbomefia of Asogli State

All About Asogli State

The Late Togbe Afede Asor II

Togbe Afede Asor II was the second son of Togbe Dogbe Korsi (Togbe Afede XII), who ruled from 1905-1948, and the late Victoria Abratedze of the Agbanyo clan of Taviefe-Deme.

Togbe Afede XIV

On October 4, 2003, the Kingmakers of Asogli State gave the people the King of their choice.

Divisions of Asogli State

Ho is made up of five main divisions, each of which is administered by a divisional chief who is assisted by his council of elders which includes the Asafofia (warlord) and Sohefia (youth leader).

Ho, Volta Region

The preparation of the first tourist and business guide to Ho was Togbe Afede’s initiative.

Latest News & Events

The Chiefs and People of the Asogli Traditional Area in the Ho Municipality of the Volta Region, have launched this year’s Yam Festival, locally known as Teza. The festival, which celebrates the rich cultural heritage and the harvest of yams, will be held under the theme “Let’s Ensure Freedom and Justice for All.”

Come Saturday, 19th August, 2023, it is expected that hundreds of residents, tourist and people from all over Ghana will be gathering in the Volta Regional Capital, Ho to join the much anticipated 2023 Asogli Te Za Health Walk.

The Asogli State Council has declared a ban on funerals in the traditional area for this year's Te Za, the annual yam festival

Togbe Afede XIV, Agbogbomefia of the Asogli State, is set to celebrate his two-decade reign this year, marking a significant milestone for the region.

Are you planning a business or social visit to Ho?